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To confirm a booked place you must pay in full within the 3-day time frame stipulated on the booking form. In normal circumstances, we will not hold your place for longer than this time. Payment may be made through the secure online card facility (inclusive of an additional 2.9% + 0.30) or offline, by bank transfer or in cash.

Successful applicants for all the year-long courses are required to confirm their place on acceptance with a non-refundable$500 deposit. The balance of course fees owing must be paid by 1 February, prior to the commencement of the course start date, unless otherwise agreed. An option for time-payments may be arranged with us at either fortnightly or monthly intervals and are subject to an additional $150.00 administration fee. If a time-payment option is selected fees must be paid in full by 30 June. All course costs are GST inclusive.




If we cancel a course, you will be notified no less than 2 days before the course start date. You may choose to transfer the cost to an alternative course or receive a full refund, to be administered within 10 days of the course cancellation.





Term-Time Courses


​All term-time courses cancelled by you within 5 days prior to the course start date are non- refundable. If you cancel a course between 5-10 days before a course start date, you will receive a refund of 50%. Cancellations made more than 10 days before a course start date will be refunded in full, less a $30 administration fee. If you begin a course and then decide not to continue you will not receive a refund.


Term-Time Course Transfers


You may request a course transfer up to 5 days before a course start date, subject to availability. Once a course is underway, course transfers will not be accepted. Individual classes missed cannot be made up through additional individual tuition, class credits or transfers.


Year-Long Courses


​Once you have been accepted into any of the year-long courses you will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 to secure your place. The balance of course fees is due by the date stipulated, either 1 February or 30 June (for time-payments). Once your course fees are paid, you will be deemed to have entered into a full year contract and your fees are non-refundable or interchangeable. If you begin a course and are unable to continue you will not receive a refund or a right to transfer. If you have made an arrangement with us to pay your fees in instalments and subsequently withdraw from the course you will still be liable for all outstanding course costs.




If you are unable to attend a class due to illness, or for personal reasons, you will not be entitled to a refund for classes missed, or to transfer to another course to make up your missed class.





In rare circumstances, we may have to cancel or postpone a class for reasons beyond our control (e.g. Lockdown). Unfortunately, in these circumstances we will not accept liability and cannot provide a refund or a course transfer. 




In the event of lockdown and the subsequent closure of the school building, we will endeavour to deliver lessons live online on the Zoom platform and at the usual time slot. Students will be offered online lessons as a direct substitution. Our standard cancellation policies remain, as stated above.


We will ensure that you receive the advertised number of classes for your course. If a class falls on a public holiday, the course will extend over a longer period of time so as to allow for this. Advertised course dates take into account any possible missed classes due to public holidays. No courses will be scheduled on a public holiday weekend.




In the event of an unscheduled occurrence, such as staff sickness, we will endeavour to prevent class cancellation and to provide a substitute tutor. If we are unable to do this, the class may be postponed at very short notice and a replacement class re-scheduled. Should this situation arise we will make every effort to contact class participants as soon as possible.


Gift Vouchers are valid for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. Vouchers are non-refundable and non-transferable. In the event that the voucher exceeds the total cost of the purchased course, a credit will be applied and held until the voucher expiry date, after which any credit balance remaining will be unavailable.



The school provides limited storage space for students to leave works for a short amount of time. Work that is left for an indefinite period, without prior consultation with us, will be disposed of as we see necessary. We will take every care with your work stored on our premises, but will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur while the work is with us.



The school's health and safety policy is to protect you as much as possible from hazardous air-borne vapours. Please consult your tutor if you require clarity on the following:

·       Turpentine: substances such as turpentine are not only combustible but may be harmful to your health through vapour and skin absorption. It is also unfair to your classmates if they are forced to passively inhale your solvents. If you are using oil paint and require a solvent we request that you use odourless turpentine. 

·       Aerosol sprays: use of aerosol spray paints, spray glues and spray fixatives of any kind are prohibited in the studio.




All students enrolled in any course at Browne School of Art are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Any student deemed to not be adhering to the school code of conduct [see below] will be issued a verbal warning and, if necessary, this will be followed by a written warning. Ongoing breaches of conduct may result in the course participant being asked to leave the school premises with the possibility of waiving their rights to continue to study at the school.


We ask students to:

·       Be considerate of others at the school, including fellow class participants, staff and visitors

·       To follow teaching instructions from teaching staff

·       Be respectful of school property and other course participants materials and belongings

·       Not engage in conduct likely to disrupt the school teaching programme, including the use of mobile phones and music           devices

·       Not to engage in behaviour that might be deemed intimidating, confrontational, or harassing of other course participants         and staff, including sexual or verbal harassment or physical violence

·       Not to use the school property in a way other than purposes for which it is designed or intended

·       Not to engage in anti-social behaviour, or cause offence to other course participants and staff

·       Not to photograph models in life class without consent

·       Not be in possession of, or use, illegal drugs or substances on the school premises

·       Avoid drinking alcohol to a point of intoxication on the school premises       

·       Avoid the viewing of internet pornography or offensive material whilst using the school IT network unless deemed                   appropriate (by the associated course tutor) for research purposes



The school’s voluntary donations scheme allows for a donation to be made by students upon booking a course online. Financial assistance of up to 40% reduction on course fees may be provided upon application (via email or through the school office) with visual proof of a Community Services Card. Financial assistance can be provided to a student once per annum as a discount on term-time classes, weekend workshops and summer schools only (this policy excludes year-long courses).


The school will make every effort to ensure that all courses proceed as advertised on the website or through related publicity material. However, all courses are subject to minimum enrolment numbers and we reserve the right to cancel any course where minimum numbers are not reached. We also reserve the right to make minor modifications to any course content as we see necessary, without prior warning and without compromising the overall quality of the course content, structure and delivery.


Updated: 26 June 2024

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194 Great North Road 

Grey Lynn 

Auckland 1021

New Zealand


Ph: 09 378 8985

Company No.4612270

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