Opening 3 August 2019
We are pleased to be well represented at this years' National Contemporary Art Award. Matthew Browne has been selected as one of 51 other finalists, including current Painting 4 student Mandy Rodger and past student Michelle Reid.
The National Contemporary Art Award brings the best in New Zealand contemporary art to Hamilton and the Waikato. Entries are drawn from across the country and New Zealand citizens living overseas. The overall winner will receive $25,000 from major sponsors Tompkins Wake and Chow:Hill. The Hugo Charitable Trust sponsors the Hugo Award for the Runner-Up, with the recipient receiving $5,000, and two merit award winners will receive $1,000 sponsored by Friends of Waikato Museum and Random Art Group.
The winning works are then decided in situ at Waikato Museum at the opening event on Friday 2 July 2019.
Opening 3 September 2018
The 27th Wallace Art Award finalists have been announced and we are delighted that BSA is well represented. Congratulations go to all thoise selected, but particularly to BSA teaching faculty, Matthew Browne [pictured here], Deborah Crowe, Brendan McGorry and Evan Woodruffe on reaching the penultimate stage of selection. Selected travelling finalists and prizwinners will be announced by The Govenor General of NZ, Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy, on the evening of Monday 3 September 2018. We wish them luck!!
You can view the full list of finalists here: WAA Finalists
Wallace Art Awards
Pah Homestead
TSB Wallace Arts Centre
5 May - 9 June 2018
'Something to Remember' is a collaborative exhibition by Alexis Neal and Elke Finkenauer. The show refers to the act of refiguring a past as contingent in the present. Works, which include lithography, screenprint, debossment, foil stamped texts, sculptural installation and artist books, considers the process of forming identity influenced by community, place, role-models, and experiences; as well as the structures providing contexts within which identity is established.
Matthew Browne aims to make art a way of life for his students
Studying art shouldn't have to put you in a financially precarious position, Matthew Browne says.
Which is why the Auckland artist has started the Browne School of Art - an environment that enables creatives to get serious art teaching without having to compromise on work and family. His Grey Lynn school aims to blend the convenience of a night class with the teaching depth of a tertiary degree. - 30/7/15
Auckland Harbour News - 5/8/15
We are pleased to announce that Matthew Browne will be showing a recent painting at the upcoming 24th Wallace Art Awards. From over 500 entries the judges have narrowed down their selection to 85. Congratulations also go to Browne School of Art faculty, Deborah Crowe and Evan Woodruffe and to alumni, Tina Frantzen, Sarah Callesen and Susan Thomas. The final selection of artists can be seen here: FinalistsThe Annual Wallace Art Awards aim to support, promote and expose New Zealand contemporary art and artists. Sir James Wallace established the Annual Wallace Art Awards 24 years ago. These Awards are now the longest surviving and largest annual art awards of their kind in New Zealand, with a value amounting to over $195,000. The Awards are given for contemporary New Zealand painting, sculpture, video, drawing and unique photography and print to encourage and develop the visual arts in New Zealand, and in particular to reward artists creating outstanding work.
We are pleased to announce that Browne School of Art faculty, Deborah Crowe and Zoë Nash, have been selected as finalists for the Parkin Drawing Award 2015. Zoé Nash is exhibiting her mixed-media drawing '990plus 10 equals 1000' (See Image), whilst Deborah Crowe has a work entitled 'Fictional Realities: Turf'.The Parkin Prize is valued at $20,000 and is Aotearoa New Zealand’s premier award for drawing. The Parkin Prize is a national award and an annual exhibition held at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. Each year the winning entry will be purchased and added to a unique collection of drawings by New Zealand artists.The Parkin Prize has been established by Chris Parkin, an arts patron and owner of New Zealand’s only boutique art hotel – Museum Art Hotel in Wellington.
The Parkin Drawing Prize at the Academy of Fine Arts, Queens Wharf, Wellington, 11 August – 13 September.

Long time student of Tanja Nola's 'Teenage Open Workshop', Stella Burns has won the Peter & Sylvia Siddell Memorial Award at this years Eden Arts Young Artist Award. Stella has also been awarded 3rd prize in the 4th Wallace Secondary Schools Art Awards. WELL DONE STELLA!
For more information on our 'Teenage Open Workshop' please follow the link here to find out more
Congratulations also to Deborah Crowe who has just been awarded the Zinni Douglas Merit Award for her work 'Fictional Realities' at the Walker & Hall Waiheke Art Award. We are also delighted to say that past student, Martin Corke, is a recipient of a special award to celebrate ten years of Walker & Hall support.
The Waiheke Art Award: 26 October - 16 November 2015

9-20 December 2015
From 9-20 December we are exhibiting work from our year-long course students. Come and celebrate with us the achievements of Painting 1 - 4 2015. Dates and times for each group showing are listed here.End of Year Exhibitions 2015Painting 1: Wednesday 9 December 5-8pmPainting 2 / Tuesday Group: Thursday 10 December 5-8pm & Friday 11 December 10.00am - 6.00pmPainting 2 / Thursday Group: Saturday 12 December 5-8pm & Sunday 13 December 10.00am - 6.00pmPainting 3 / Wednesday Group: Monday 14 December 5-8pm & Tuesday 15 December 10.00am - 6.00pmPainting 3 / Friday Group: Wednesday 16 December 5-8pm & Thursday 17 December 10.00am - 6.00pm Painting 4: Friday 18 December 5-8pm & Saturday 19 / Sunday 20 December 10.00am - 6.00pm both days For directions for our location please click here.See you all there!!

30 January - 13 March 2016
Congratulations to all the finalists selected for this years Molly Morpeth Canaday Drawing & Painting Award. We are particularly pleased that current faculty and students are well represented. Deborah Crowe - Faculty,Past & present students: Deborah Body [work at left: Passing Through], Belinda Griffiths, Kathy Barber, & Kim Shaw. Well done to all of you! Of course, we can't forget the overall winner of the $10,000 first prize, Hugo Lindsay and his work 'Swipe or Tilt'. Nice work Hugo!Molly Morpeth Canaday Award 2016: Te Koputu a Te Whanga a Toi, Whakatane Library & Exhibition Centre, Kakahoroa Drive, Whakatane 30 January - 13 March
During May and June, Orexart in Arch Hill will be showing new paintings and works on paper by Matthew Browne. 'Theoria – the Greek word from which the English words theory and theatre are derived, meaning “contemplation, speculation, a looking at, things looked at” – is the title of Matthew Browne’s new show of paintings. As this and previous titles (Phantasmagoria, Noumena) indicate, Browne’s work has long been concerned with accessing and manifesting that which is mostly not quite knowable to the senses. The work asks, can we appreciate abstract ideas and realize them in a material sense, in the tradition of Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle and their heirs, including Kant'. Isabel Michell 2016
Orexart: 15 Putiki St, Arch Hill, Auckland

'Here There is No Why' - Damien Kurth - Sanderson Contemporary, Auckland: 26 April - 15 May 2016
Damien Kurth shows a new body of work at Sanderson Contemporary in Newmarket. 'Forget about the allegories and symbolism of 17th century Dutch still life painting or the formalism and intimacy of Giorgio Morandi’s art. Apart from his choice of subject, Damien Kurth’s paintings have very little in common with familiar narratives of still life painting'.Dr Warren Feeney 2016Sanderson Contemporary - 2 Kent St, Osborne Lane, Newmarket, Auckland

20 - 28 February 2016
A big round of applause to Deborah Crowe for her merit award at this year's NZ Painting & printmaking Award at the Pavilion, Hamilton Gardens Festival.Deborah says of her work "Fictional Realities: Fall houses a fabricated environment where architectural frameworks and elements of the ‘natural’ world intersect. Part field photography, part proposition, this work responds to developments in built and natural surroundings, and is concerned with environments in which space and place tangle with residue from human occupation. Complex slightly dilapidated structures house internal spaces in a composite world where beauty and toxicity are neighbours.
Fictional Realities: Fall - Archival pigment print on Ilford fine art paper, framed with museum glass700 x 1200 x 40mm
For further details you can contact Deborah here:

Kathryn Stevens' works are inspired by architecture and the urban environment: the layers of mesh framing and scaffolding interacting with surfaces: glass, concrete and steel. In the earlier works there was a deliberate ambiguity in the drawing. The grids, and the planes they implied, required that the viewer co-create the space. The now more dominant foreground grid gives more clarity, emphasizing the act of looking. The interface between the viewer and the painting is more evident; we are looking from a real space into a possible one.
Whitespace: 12 Crummer Rd, Ponsonby, Auckland

'The Death Of Painting' - Brendan McGorry - Sanderson Contemporary: 16 August - 4 September 2016
For this new series of works McGorry cites the pre- Raphaelite period. Taking prime examples of paintings in the era that are etched into our visual memory, McGorry re-works their composition to create contemporary works. This meshing of art historical references and contemporary imagery is a consistent theme in his practice that speaks to a continuity of painting practice.
"McGorry uses our knowledge of art history as a device for social commentary. His work seems to question whether human kind will continue to evolve on a positive course. Have we passed our peak of intellectual growth and are we now devolving? Sanderson Contemporary: Osborne Lane, 2 Kent St, Newmarket, Auckland
The 25th Annual Wallace Art Awards 2016, with prizes amounting to over $220,000, were presented by the Chairperson of the Jury for the first awards in 1992 and for a number of years thereafter, Philippa Lady Tait at the Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre on Monday 5 September 2016.
This year the Wallace Arts Trust received 371 entries from which 88 were selected as finalists. From the finalists 47 have been chosen for the Award Winners &Travelling Finalists exhibition and the balance is represented in the Salon des Refusés. The Wallace Art Awards aim to support, promote and expose New Zealand contemporary art and artists. They are the longest surviving and largest annual art awards of their kind in New Zealand.